Songwriting Technique and Hebrew Word Study Organization Tools
During the process of writing these songs I developed an efficient and powerful way to compose Hebrew (or English) songs with a given set of vocabulary and grammar principles. I developed this workflow in Obsidian so anyone can use it. Obsidian is a free, cross-platform software based on markdown documents (a plaintext future-proof filetype).
This song writing process includes a workflow using markdown documents for each Hebrew vocab word. Each document has the meta data for the vocab word (noun/verb/adjective/etc, binyan, example passage, gloss, etc.). I used some of my programming knowledge to generate these documents programmatically with python. This setup is perfect for accumulative research on words over time. As I did Bible word studies for different Hebrew words, I took notes not just in my song, but also in the markdown document for that respective word. The blank markdown documents could be shared as a repository for Hebrew students as a way to build up their own research base as they study Hebrew words and passages.
The Obsidian vault with my configurations for writing BH music is located in Google Drive here. The markdown documents can be read with a basic plaintext editor on any Windows or Mac, but the best experience would be with Obsidian. I would be happy to help anyone who is interested in understanding my workflow in Obsidian.